Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A loss in the family

I don't know how inspired you ever been by Star Wars movies in your life and how strongly certain stuff did ever influenced your childhood through the original trilogy, but it did to me. I remember watching the movies with my old brother and we both began a journey in our imagination at a galaxy far far away where evil fights good, looses hope but regains power and prevails.

Allegorically this fight between evil and good is exactly what's going on many times through our minds in life situations. You want to grab that sword off emperor's hands and smash your enemy but a good voice within you tells you that's the wrong path. You felt it, I felt it, others felt it. In the Star Wars family this voice is called 'the force', something that universally governs the universe, grows within us, guide us and tells us occasionally which is right or wrong. You have seen also in the movies where Obi-One Kenobi guides Luke Skywalker through his adventure to seek the truth of his past and to aid the Rebel Alliance from being annihilated by the darkness that is about to take over on a last sweep. In his path he meets Princess Leia Organa which he also rescues off the Emperor Palpatine's hands.
Leia feels a strong connection with Luke and a chemistry builds up between those two characters until the very end when they both discover and somehow deeply within they knew they were related by blood.

Princess Leia is no more among us. Actress Carrie Fisher unfortunately left us unexpectedly and Star Wars will never be the same without her. For many Star Wars fans this was a hard blow that will effect our inspiration through her acting.

This blog post is dedicated to her persona, her acting and the great inspiration of a strong female leader that guides and let good prevail. Rest in peace Carrie and may always the force be with you!


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